Crazy Hawk

Kat O'Conner

(R.J.'s Wife & #1 Fan)

My best friend, lover, cheerleader, critic and inspiration. I can never express how much I owe her and how grateful I am to have her in my life.

Mandi Lynn

(Stone Ridge Books)

She  did an excellent job with cover design and formatting.

Sam Kemp &
Barbara Fleming

(Beta Readers)

Self-publishing requires a writer to recruit tons of help. Thanks to beta readers for their input and feedback.

Lídia Puccetti

(Alternate Cover Graphic Design)

Thanks for designing a beautiful alternative cover.

Dickson Telfer &
Sofia Ashdown

(Copy Editors)

Thanks to our copy editors, Dickson Telfer and Sofia Ashdown.

David Blumin


To my accountant, David Blumin, made setting up Hovartus Books a breeze.


(Website Development)

He  did a wonderful job designing this website.

My Community

(Neighbors & Friends)

And thanks to all the people who share with me our beautiful valley, one of the major inspirations for writing Crazy Hawk.