August 25, 2024

The Code of Lauren

Hussars are Raiders who resort to violence, sometimes brutality. To survive they live by the Code of Lauren.

The Code of Lauren


  1. In all things, the first virtue is courage. Courage is proven not only by physical heroism but also by the acceptance of Fate. As children obey their parents, we must obey Fate. 
  2. We live for the preservation of the Hussar people and the sovereignty of Hussar Valley.  Nothing, not family or personal gain, is more important than the survival of the Hussar people and their home.  
  3. Every Hussar is a soldier. The most important quality for a soldier is fearlessness in the face of death. “Fate brings death to all as an inevitable part of life. Because I see my life as good, I also see my death as good.” Lauren. 
  4. We welcome anyone into the Hussars who can be valuable to the defense of the Valley. Remember, Hussar survival depends on active recruitment of new soldiers.  Anyone who is willing to take on a Soul Horse and pledge undying loyalty to the Indigenous Spirits, the Hussar People, the Truth of the Chronicles and the Code of Lauren is welcome.  We can always banish or kill him or her later if it doesn’t work out.    
  5. Never hate people for their race, lifestyle or worldview.  
  6. Always hate people who threaten the Hussar way of life.
  7. Gender plays no part in the Hussar hierarchy.  Equality between women and men we hold as an inviolable truth.
  8. Rape is always to be punished by death or worse.
  9. The horse is the noblest of all creations.  A Hussar must treat every horse with the greatest reverence.  
  10. One must NEVER eat horse flesh. Breaking this law will ALWAYS result in the perpetrator being executed.  
  11. Every Hussar must take on a Soul Horse, as early in life as possible.  The Soul Horse must be cared for with the utmost respect. Neglect of the Soul Horse will result in banishment or worse.  
  12. Hussar women who choose to bear a child will have the complete support of the Hussar establishment.
  13. A Hussar mother can choose to raise her child or have the community take over that responsibility once the child is one year old.
  14. Every Hussar child is to be encouraged to develop an interior life. “Happiness is no easy matter: it is very difficult to find it in ourselves and impossible to find it elsewhere.” Chamfort. 
  15. Each Hussar must take on a Wisdom Book once she or he has passed the Reading Proficiency Test.  Approved Wisdom Books are to be selected by the Grand Scribe.  
  16. An inability to read could result in reduced privileges and undesirable assignments.  Latrine duty is frequently performed by the illiterate.
  17. Any faith, belief system or philosophy is to be tolerated among Hussars as long as it does not conflict with the Truth of the Chronicles, the Code of Lauren or the Indigenous Spirits. 
  18. The arts—music, writing and painting— must always be encouraged.  Only martial activities are considered superior to the arts. 
  19. Hussars have a great tradition of daring raids. The training of Raiders is always given the highest priority. The best horses are always assigned to Raiders.
  20. Those Hussars with jobs other than Raider will be called Pedestrians. Although, Pedestrians are not expected to become elite riders, each will be assigned a Soul Horse. These Pedestrian horses will come from retired horses, young horses or draft horses. Most donkeys and mules will be assigned to Pedestrians. 
  21. Whenever there is a threat to the valley, Raiders will act as cavalry, Pedestrians as infantry. 
  22. Raiders and Pedestrians will have equal rights except that Pedestrians are not to take part in Forum meetings.
  23. The Forum will consist of all available able bodied Raiders.
  24. The highest ranking Hussar is the Eagle, to be chosen every five years by forum vote. The two candidates are chosen by a board of Falcons. A majority vote is enough to elect the Eagle. 
  25. The next highest rank is the Falcon. There are to be five Falcons. The Eagle will nominate candidates for these positions. The Forum will then vote on those candidates. 
  26. The Forum will establish all laws and punish all crimes. 
  27. If for any reason, a vote in the Forum is not decisive, the Eagle will decide.
  28. The Eagle can be replaced by a vote of two thirds of the Forum. 
  29. All other ranks, including Hawks, are appointed by the Eagle after deliberation with the Falcons.   
  30. All booty captured in raids will be distributed by the Forum with the exception of books and dvds which will be turned over to the Camp Grand Scribe so that she or he can put them to the best use.
  31. The 21st Century brought about a catastrophe that destroyed the world as it once was and almost eradicated the human species.  Any book, philosophy or cultural expression from that era must be looked on with the utmost suspicion.